2022 AGM
We are without doubt continuing to live through unprecedented levels of uncertainty and learning new ways of handling the challenges that the COVID-19 pandemic has thrown at us, As a result, the 2022 AGM meeting was held via zoom and there was no in person meeting and all voting was held in advance.
We moved through the formal requirements of the meeting, with Bryanne Tywoniuk & Don Scheer acting as motioner and seconder which involved the appointment of Colby Steckly Chartered Accountants as Auditor for 2022 and the results of the Residents elected to the Board of Directors for the 2022/2023 year of operations.
We received sufficient proxies to individually elect these nominees to serve as Directors on the Larch Homeowners Association Board of Directors:
- Bryanne Tywoniuk
- Tyler Zukiwsky
- Don Scheer
- Emily Milner
- Chris Wilkinson
We would like to thank and acknowledge the governance and the commitment from our volunteer resident Directors during the 2021/2022 year, and look forward to working with the elected directors during the upcoming year.
We provided several ways to vote in advance of the meeting including by email and mail. Specific instructions were included in the Larch HOA AGM Package that were mailed to all residents. They are also posted Below
If you would like more information please don’t hesitate in reaching out to triona@cosgravemanagement.com