The 2023 Larch HOA AGM has been set for May 11, 2023 @ 6pm.
The AGM format this year will be offered online and in person.
The location for the in person meeting is as follows;
Date & Time: Thursday May 11, 2023 @ 6:00 PM
Location: 7463 May Common NW, Games Room, Second Floor
The Virtual Microsoft Teams Meeting details are as follows;
Meeting ID: 211 125 657 692
Passcode: 75z7Cq
Please review the information and plan to attend the AGM either virtually or in person, or submit your proxy form, as indicated.
We would also like to receive your questions in advance of the meeting.
We provide several ways to vote in advance of the meeting including by email and mail. Specific instructions will be included in the 2023 AGM Package that have been mailed to all residents. They are also posted Below
If you would like more information or become part of the resident board of Directors please don’t hesitate in reaching out to
202 Larch AGM Package & Info